Alchemist Adept

From WeAreDragons

 Hit Points: 32000
 Experience: 47000
Est. Max Damage: ??
Immune To: Earth
Strong Against: None
Weak To: Ice (-30%), Fire (-25%), Physical (-15%)
Location: Heavania
Loot: Platinum coin (100%), Green Mushroom (28%), Small Diamond (12%), Small Ruby (12%), Small Emerald (12%), Ring of Healing (9%), Strange Talisman (9%), Mastermind Shield (1.04%), Fire Robe (0.7%), Spellbinder Greatstaff (0.636%), Jade Hammer (0.3%), Pet Golden Helmet (0.1%), Pet Golden Armor (0.1%), Green Pigment (0.2%), Reaper Helmet (0.05%), Branch of Alchemist Set (0.15%), Green Moss Piece of Cloth (0.3%), Yellow Piece of Cloth (0.25%), Piece of an Alchemist Boots (0.05%)

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