Party Expboost
- Party Experience Boost System
On our server, we have implemented a dynamic experience boost system for parties. The experience boost is determined by two factors: **party size** and **vocation diversity**. This system is designed to encourage players to team up and form balanced parties, rewarding both larger groups and varied vocations.
Party Size Experience Bonus
This bonus applies based on the total number of players in the party.
Party Size | Experience Multiplier |
2 players | 1.1x |
3 players | 1.2x |
4 or more players | 1.3x |
Note: The more players in the party, the higher the experience boost. This bonus applies regardless of the vocations of the players.
Vocation Diversity Experience Bonus
This bonus is applied based on the number of **unique vocations** in the party. More varied vocations result in a higher multiplier.
Unique Vocations | Experience Multiplier |
1 vocation (e.g., only Knights) | 1.0x |
2 unique vocations | 1.6x |
3 unique vocations | 2.4x |
4 or more unique vocations | 3.0x |
Note: To maximize this bonus, create a party with a mix of different vocations, such as Knight, Paladin, Sorcerer, and Druid.
Final Experience Multiplier
The final experience boost your party receives is based on the **higher** of the two multipliers (party size or vocation diversity). This ensures that your party always benefits from the best possible bonus.
Example Scenario | Party Size | Unique Vocations | Final Multiplier |
2 Knights | 2 players | 1 vocation | 1.1x |
Knight, Sorcerer, Druid | 3 players | 3 vocations | 2.4x |
Knight, Paladin, Sorcerer, Druid, Knight | 5 players | 4 vocations | 3.0x |
Experience Distribution
The total experience from a defeated creature is **shared among all party members**, using the final experience multiplier. The formula is as follows:
\[ \textTemplate:Shared Experience = \frac{{\textTemplate:Total Experience \times \textTemplate:Final Multiplier}}{{\textTemplate:Number of Players}} \]
Example Calculation: If a creature gives 1000 experience and the party has a final multiplier of 2.4x with 3 members:
\[ \textTemplate:Shared Experience per player = \fracTemplate:1000 \times 2.4Template:3 = 800 \textTemplate:Experience \]
Conclusion: This system encourages players to form larger and more diverse parties to take full advantage of the experience boost. By cooperating with different vocations, you can maximize your efficiency and speed up your leveling process. Form your ultimate party and enjoy the benefits of teamwork!